Sleep apnea can have a negative impact on both your overall health, and your personal relationships as well.
Sleep Apnea can have an unexpected but significant emotional impact, both on the sufferer and the person he or she shares a bed with.
Poor sleep quality goes hand-in-hand with sleep apnea, and this will more that likely be shared with the other person in the bed. If you snore or wake up frequently during the night, chances are that your partner's sleep is being disrupted as well.
This is frustrating for everyone involved, and can build resentment on both sides. Your partner will feel understandably annoyed, resentful and frustrated by the constant disruptions, and you may feel the same way about the lack of understanding. after all, you’re not doing it on purpose!
Poor sleep quality can also impact other aspects of your life. During your waking hours, the insufficient sleep you've been getting can make you feel lethargic, grumpy, irritable, and even depressed.
This is bound to have a negative affect on your relationships. Certainly with your partner (and especially if he or she is suffering from lack of sleep as well), but also with your other family members, friends and even your co-workers.
Sufficient sleep is critical for good physical and emotional health.
If you think you may be suffering from sleep apnea, it is crucial that you get it under control. Although you can't help the fact that you have sleep apnea, you can improve your health and your relationships by seeking out help for your condition.
There are many options for treating sleep apnea, from weight loss and lifestyle changes to oral sleep appliance or even surgery.